Portfolio package

Project Information

Project description

The ixudra/portfolio package was written specifically for Laravel 5 and allows developers to set up a basic portfolio website in less than an hour. The package includes customer management (both consumer as well as businesses), project type management and project management (including images).

Additionally, every single aspect of the package can be modified and/or customized through the extensive use of interfaces and contracts. This allows for maximum flexibility which in turn allows for usage in pretty much every use case. This package is currently in beta phase and heavy modifications are likely to occur in the near future.

The package is written under the MIT license and can be freely downloaded and integrated in any PHP web application using Composer. It is worth noting though that the package is created for my own specific workflow. Usage in your own projects is possible though may require a lot of customization.

Technology stack

  • Laravel 5
  • MySQL database
  • PHP 5.6
  • Git